AUPHA . Business Headshot Portraits . Courthouse, Arlington, VA

April 17, 2013  •  1 Comment

I had the pleasure of photographing the ladies at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA)! These head shots were taken in Courthouse in Arlington, VA. 

Here are a few of my favorites!

Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA

Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA Female Professional Business corporate headshots (head shots) of a woman in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA Female Professional Business corporate headshots  group (head shots) of a women in business clothes suit in urban outdoor setting - available light on location professional photographer - Dasha Rosato PhotographyBusiness head shot portraits in Arlington, VA


Neasha Stephens(non-registered)
As much as I loathe having my photo taken, there were fantastic
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